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  • 略懂AI:我们的助手还是替代者 (一)

略懂AI:我们的助手还是替代者 (一)











In today’s rapidly advancing technological landscape, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become an indispensable value-added technology. However, AI is not omnipotent; it cannot create entirely new business models but enhances value through optimizing and automating processes. Thus, for non-experts, keeping up with daily AI advancements is unnecessary—that’s a task for technology experts.

Nevertheless, we cannot overlook the potential of AI, as it is gradually deconstructing our work. AI will not replace all jobs overnight but will incrementally automate tasks, thereby altering the role humans play in the workforce. For example, repetitive administrative tasks and data entry are already being undertaken by AI, reducing the need for human labor.

In the long term, the question we should be asking is not whether AI will replace human jobs, but which jobs it will replace. AI excels in handling tasks with high repetitiveness, but human intelligence is still required for coordination, decision-making, and management. As Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, emphasized, we should focus on what will not change over the next decade. It is crucial for both businesses and individuals to identify and maintain those core elements that are valuable in the long run.

For instance, while AI can help with writing emails, saving a lot of time, creative writing, and strategic planning still require human intuition and emotion. In Asia, many people believe they are not good at writing emails, and the assistance from AI in this area is seen as liberating.

The use of AI should not be about replacing human workers but making human efforts more effective. The adoption of generative AI technologies can significantly enhance productivity and drive performance growth. Companies should consider the potential impacts of AI on each position and plan for their employees' future growth paths.

We must always be aware of what AI can and cannot do, what problems it can solve, and what value it can create. Ultimately, the development of technology must be human-centric, with AI serving as our assistant, not a replacement. Finding this balance is a challenge that every individual and business using AI must strive to achieve.

In conclusion, AI is a powerful tool, but its true value lies in how it is utilized by human intelligence. By leveraging AI appropriately, we can unleash human potential, allowing technology and humanity to coexist harmoniously and shape the future together.

-Orange AI